strangerer in a strange land <> wrote:
> On Jul 28, 3:10 pm, wrote:
> > strangerer in a strange land <> wrote:
> >
> > > The USA disallows dual citizenship.
> >
> > One is forced to wonder why US PASSPORTs have helpful hints for
> > dual citizens.
> >
> > Could you cite the appropriate law?

> Actually, I wrote that reply first, before I looked at the state
> department web site and saw their current info for dual citizenship.
> It seems to me that the language of the law has not changed in so much
> as the interpretation.  The language speaks of renouncing and years
> ago many actions (such as keeping citizenship elsewhere) were
> interpreted as renouncing, now based on what I read on the state
> department web site it seems you have to specifically renounce.  I am
> only interpreting what can currently be read on their website.

Fair enough. However, even if you renounce US citizenship, you can
retain it. The US still recognizes renunciation under duress, so if
you make certian to check in with the US consulate, you can retain
your US status.
