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In article <MPG.f49a8a80d140@>
        francois.grieu@spirtech.com writes:
 |Path: news-haigo!norn-news!news.mcu.or.jp!navi.honnet.co.jp!news.gw.fukushima-u.ac.jp!honnetnews!news.northeye.org!gcd.org!leaf.gcd.org!news.unit0.net!newsfeed0.kamp.net!newsfeed.kamp.net!!feed.xsnews.nl!border-1.ams.xsnews.nl!feeder1.cambrium.nl!feeder3.cambrium.nl!feed.tweaknews.nl!!nx02.iad01.newshosting.com!newshosting.com!post02.iad01!roadrunner.com!not-for-mail
 |From: francois.grieu@spirtech.com
 |Message-ID: <MPG.f49a8a80d140@>
 |Newsgroups: sci.crypt,japan.test
 |Subject: @@@@@ lots of filthy exits apologise Tommy, and they not stamp Gul too @@@@@
 |Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2007 01:57:52 GMT
 |Organization: it should feature revolutionary operas v the watery funny stairs, whilst Laura yet experiences them too
 |Lines: 45
 |X-Complaints-To: abuse@rr.com
 |Xref: news-haigo japan.test:2853
 |It is these sets of words and numbers (and combinations of them), under a
 |particular category, that are placed in the Dictionary computers.
 |The whole system was developed by the NSA.
 |The only known public reference to the ECHELON system was made in relation to
 |the Menwith Hill station. In July 1988, a United States newspaper, the
 |Cleveland Plain Dealer, published a story about electronic monitoring of
 |phone calls of a Republican senator, Strom Thurmond. The alleged monitoring
 |occurred at Menwith Hill.
 |Margaret Newsham worked at Menwith Hill as a contract employee of Lockheed
 |Space and Missiles Corporation. She is said to have told congress staff that,
 |while at Menwith, she was able to listen through earphones to telephone calls
 |being monitored.