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In article <CE9E2989.C102B942@>
        francois.grieu@spirtech.com writes:
 |Path: news-haigo!tomockey.ddo.jp!news.tornevall.net!news.albasani.net!newsfeed.freenet.de!!xlned.com!feeder1.xlned.com!multikabel.net!newsfeed10.multikabel.net!feeder4.cambrium.nl!feed.tweaknews.nl!!nx01.iad01.newshosting.com!newshosting.com!post02.iad01!roadrunner.com!not-for-mail
 |From: francois.grieu@spirtech.com
 |Message-ID: <CE9E2989.C102B942@>
 |Newsgroups: sci.crypt,japan.test
 |Subject: @@@@@ alvin houses the japanese despite hers and reportedly values @@@@@
 |Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2007 02:27:56 GMT
 |Organization: generally, it analyses a debtor too intimate following her agreed city
 |Lines: 35
 |X-Complaints-To: abuse@rr.com
 |Xref: news-haigo japan.test:2849
 |officer walking or driving down the street, as shown on MSNBC TV
 |6/9/97 www.TheSite.com, to determine whether anyone on the sidewalk is
 |carrying a gun.
 |The priorities are all out of whack.
 |Apply Military technology towards securing the border, not by spending
 |billions and billions and billions each year to secure each and every
 |one of us.
 |We don't put governing-monitors on all car engines to control speeding.
 |Get an Operations Research clue.
 |Is our government perpetuating the availability of drugs?
 |The 60 Minutes report sure makes it look like it is.
 |How could letting unchecked Mexican truck after unchecked Mexican truck