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In article <r5wspjdpnc0chxxewbaleuxz2aivipwz@4ax.com>
        francois.grieu@spirtech.com writes:
 |Path: news-haigo!norn-news!news.mcu.or.jp!mmcatv.co.jp!jpix!newsfeed.rim.or.jp!newsfeed2.kddnet.ad.jp!newsfeed2.kddnet.ad.jp!newspeer1.nwr.nac.net!border2.nntp.dca.giganews.com!nntp.giganews.com!novia!nx01.iad01.newshosting.com!newshosting.com!post02.iad01!roadrunner.com!not-for-mail
 |From: francois.grieu@spirtech.com
 |Message-ID: <r5wspjdpnc0chxxewbaleuxz2aivipwz@4ax.com>
 |Newsgroups: sci.crypt,japan.test
 |Subject: @@@@@ gawd, it creeps a workforce too loose including her pathetic film @@@@@
 |Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 21:26:13 GMT
 |Organization: hardly any administrative scared abuses will directly tend the loans
 |Lines: 30
 |X-Complaints-To: abuse@rr.com
 |Xref: news-haigo japan.test:2845
 |Amendment rights,
 |granted by the Constitution? And why is the Military monitoring the
 |communications of Americans on U.S. soil and working with domestic law
 |Well, one day President Truman issued a secret order creating the NSA.
 |As testified by Library of Congress members on C-SPAN, the names of these
 |presidential findings change with administrations. They are called variously
 |Presidential Decision Directives, National Security Council Decision
 |Directives, Executive Orders, etc.
 |One might think these special override-the-constitution presidential
 |directives (which came out of nowhere) would be used for short-term
 |Wrong: the NSA is now a HUGE intelligence organization, eating billions
 |and billions and billions and billions of dollars in budgets each year,
 |and monitoring billions of messages a day.