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In article <69351I261562@>
        francois.grieu@spirtech.com writes:
 |Subject: @@@@@ they are tempting in front of future, in support of artistic, below blunt cameras @@@@@
 |From: francois.grieu@spirtech.com
 |Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 20:16:37 GMT
 |Message-ID: <69351I261562@>
 |Lines: 44
 |Organization: both resigning now, Iman and Edward sayed the functional embassys in relation to crude culture
 |Path: news-haigo!CALA-MUZIK!news-out.superfeed.net!prop4-west.newsfeeds.com!news-in1.spamkiller.net!border2.nntp.dca.giganews.com!border1.nntp.dca.giganews.com!nntp.giganews.com!nx02.iad01.newshosting.com!newshosting.com!post01.iad01!post02.iad01!roadrunner.com!not-for-mail
 |Newsgroups: sci.crypt,japan.test
 |X-Complaints-To: abuse@rr.com
 |X-Original-Bytes: 1978
 |Xref: news-haigo japan.test:2841
 |the key words the computer has been told to flag.
 |A hard copy of your conversation is produced, passed to the appropriate
 |section (in this case terrorism), and probably ends up in the garbage.
 |But perhaps the conversation is not so clear-cut or the analyst has poor
 |judgement. Then your name is permanently filed under "possible terrorist".
 |Weeks or even years later, you have a similar conversation and use the
 |same words; the computer filters it out again. Since this is your second
 |time, your name moves from the "possible" to the "probable" file.
 |Sound absurd? Not at all; it actually happened while I was at CSE.
 |SIGINT specialists are honing their skills at monitoring digital
 |information. SIGINT agencies everywhere are increasingly throwing
 |their surveillance web over the Internet and other data networks
 |of interest.