Dick Adams wrote:
> Mad Jack RACKHAM <jhbender@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> I started screwing around with my turbo yeast and sugar receipe.  I used 30 
>> liters water, 9 kilos Demerra sugar and 1 package of turbo yeast.  It has 
>> been 17 days and I only have 2% alcohol.  The reaction seems to be happening 
>> but very, very slowly.  I added 2 cups of regular sugar today and my bucket 
>> foamed over right away so I am assuming my yeast is still active.  I placed 
>> the bucket closer to the furnace to up the temp a bit.
>> Any help or suggestions? 
> How did you calculate 2% alcohol?
> What was your original gravity?  I estimate 1.114 which seems 
> low for using turbo yeast!
> 17 days under turbo yeast seems very long to me.  Have you been
> taking periodic gravity reading?  What were they?
> I may be a purist, but I do not ferment above 25C and I prefer
> fermenting at or below 20C.  But then I make Mead and do not
> distill.
> Dick
I think most turbo yeast are fine below 30C. I second on the "how did 
you calc 2%?". What was your OG (and at what temp) and what is your 
current gravity. Also it might have been your OG was off because not all 
the sugar was dissolved (some on the bottom)?

I don't know demerera sugar, but from what I quickly read it looks like 
it would have more nutrients than the sucrose most people use with the 
yeast, so it should ferment better, right?