On Mar 17, 2:38 am, Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nur...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Satanism is EVIL and JESUS is much stronger
> than Satan and JESUS will come and defeat
> Satan and satanism.
> So you should better believe in JESUS, because
> he is stronger than Satan!!!

Michael is older than Lucifer, yes that's true.

But remember that Christ and Christianity, while supposedly the in
unison might not be, hence the not-so-coming-again-until-the-appointed-
time, and even with satanism, is it really in conformity with the will
of the Younger Brother.

Is it possibly not the reccurence of Cain killing Abel, so that Abel
lives on in the Abyss, while Cain carries on in the land of the
living. Isn't it a burden to Cain that he has to bear the crushing of
the head of his brother for purposes of success, while Abel as a
living ghost is aware of all that befalls the living and the dead?

People often forget the parables of the Original Overmen, much to the
peril of their understanding of anything at all later on.