B Anderson wrote:
> Declan Murphy wrote:
>> On May 2, 10:14 am, B Anderson <a...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Meaning what? Printouts of statements from a web browser instead of
>>>> formal letters? A statement of current deposits instead of
>>>> documentation of the previous X number of months worth of
>>>> transactions?
>>> It lists everything for the past 3 months.
>>> But, I went to the bank to ask for it, expecting a nice colour statement
>>> (like you get in the mail). Instead, they gave me a black and white
>>> print out.
>> Should be no problem.
> I just got the visa, gawd be thanked.

Good.  Let's see what you say about gawd in a year.

Now you can come here and learn Wa-go, which entitles you to join the 
rest of us in receiving demand letters from any number of spotty high 
school and university students who cannot understand why you're not just 
dying to translate Japanese anime scripts and video game background 
stories for them, free of charge.