
"耐性菌" <resistantstrain@csc.jp> wrote in message 
> その市橋拓也は、どうしたのか。
> おそらく、生きて、世間に、出ることは、同胞が、許すまい。
> "耐性菌" <resistantstrain@csc.jp> wrote in message 
> news:f04gib$10vk$1@serv2.fd3s.dip.jp...
>> その英語専攻の容疑者は、ドイツ語の教授を殺した。
>> 殺された76歳の教授はユダヤ人で、幼い頃にナチのホロコーストで家族を殺されながら生き延びた人だったそうだ。
>> 他愛もないことで、ユダヤ人は、同胞を殺したのは朝鮮人、同胞を助けたのは日本人と、知った。
>> "耐性菌" <resistantstrain@csc.jp> wrote in message 
>> news:f03itn$l8a$1@serv2.fd3s.dip.jp...
>>> そもそも、端から古い個人的な怨恨説とは、破廉恥。
>>> その動機は、単に犯人本人の認識の問題では、ない。
>>> その犯行に至るべき、事件の因果性の吟味で、ある。
>>> それこそ、体裁の良い、故意の証明は、更に、疑惑。
>>> その民族性に関わる背後関係についても、検証必要。
>>> この長崎市長銃殺事件は、オームの村井幹部刺殺事件を、彷彿とさせる。
>>> その日本の裏社会に蠢く朝鮮人パラサイトの夜叉の暗躍に、注目すべし。
>>> "耐性菌" <resistantstrain@csc.jp> wrote in message 
>>> news:f02mbq$ba$1@serv2.fd3s.dip.jp...
>>>> その犯人が特定したようだ。韓国人である。
>>>> そして、長崎市長銃撃犯の城尾哲彌こと白正哲。
>>>> こちらは、似非同和の朝鮮人ヤクザ。
>>>> 不思議と、同時発生。
>>>> とにかく、日本の報道は、何故か、遅い。
>>>> (CNN) -- The gunman who killed 30 people at Virginia Tech's Norris Hall 
>>>> before turning the gun on himself was student Cho Seung-Hui, university 
>>>> police Chief Wendell Flinchum said Tuesday.
>>>> University officials said they were still trying to determine if Cho 
>>>> was responsible for an earlier shooting at a dormitory that left two 
>>>> dead.
>>>> However, Flinchum said ballistics tests show that one of the two guns 
>>>> recovered at Norris Hall was used at Norris and at the dorm. (Watch 
>>>> police disclose new information about the shooter )
>>>> Cho, a 23-year-old South Korean and resident alien, lived at the 
>>>> university's Harper Hall, Flinchum said. He was an English major, the 
>>>> chief said.
>>>> Cho was a loner and authorities are having a hard time finding 
>>>> information about him, said Harry Hincker, associate vice president for 
>>>> university relations.
>>>> The university and police are still in the process of releasing the 
>>>> names of the 32 people killed in Monday's shootings. (Watch how some 
>>>> are asking why warnings weren't issued sooner )
>>>> A doctor at a Blacksburg hospital described the injuries he saw Monday 
>>>> as "amazing" and the shooter as "brutal."
>>>> "There wasn't a shooting victim that didn't have less than three bullet 
>>>> wounds in them," said Dr. Joseph Cacioppo of Montgomery Regional 
>>>> Hospital.
>>>> Even among the less serious injuries, Cacioppo said, "we saw one 
>>>> patient that had a bullet wound to the wrist, one to the elbow and one 
>>>> to the thigh. We had another one with a bullet wound to the abdomen, 
>>>> one to the chest and one to the head."
>>>> A source familiar with the investigation said the weapons found at 
>>>> Norris were a Walther .22-caliber semi-automatic and a 9 mm Glock --  
>>>> both with the serial numbers filed off. (Watch how quickly these guns 
>>>> can be fired, reloaded )
>>>> "耐性菌" <resistantstrain@csc.jp> wrote in message 
>>>> news:f01etq$2iqc$1@serv2.fd3s.dip.jp...
>>>>> Chicago Sun-Times columnist Michael Sneed reported Monday that the 
>>>>> Virginia Tech shooter is a 24-year-old man from China.
>>>>> More than 30 people were killed Monday in the shooting rampage on 
>>>>> Virginia Tech University's campus.
>>>>> According to Sneed, the man came to the U.S. last year on a student 
>>>>> visa issued in Shanghai.
>>>>> Police believe the same man may be responsible for threats on campus 
>>>>> last week, Sneed reported.
>>>>> NBC News reported Monday night that the suspect was apparently not a 
>>>>> student at Virginia Tech.
>>>>> Police said the suspect has not been linked to any terrorist group.