All kinds of things can cause a stuck fermentation.  Pitching more yeast
is certainly a good first thing to try.   If the issue is due to the
yeast prematurely flocculating, this is a solution (and remember it will
never hurt to overpitch either).

If the problem is caused by a lack of nutrients (and in commercial 
operations, zinc deficiency is a common one), adding some commercial
"yeast nutrient" mineral mix is also worth a try and will do no harm.
A homebrewing store should have some.

In commercial facilities it is common to take a couple dozen gallons
of wort that _is_ properly fermenting and dump it into the stuck batch.
You're adding both yeast AND some amount of nutrients when you do this,
but it's not always that effective.
"C'est un Nagra.  C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."