This Teaching says,
"The more depth one attains in handling life with
maturity, the more value there is to life. Like the
emerald, the depth in its color gives it a more valuable



    "Maturity doesn't mean we have to have
superhuman mental emotions, strength, no fears, no
doubts, a surplus of understanding and several other
superhuman attributes.

     Maturity means to stop being a child in the sense
that you ignore one or more of your responsibilities,
replacing them with determining what you want to do
is more important than the needs of your spouse, or
your responsibility for his or her peace of mind, respect
for your spouse's need to be treated equal in all matters.

     A man demonstrates maturity in his ability to treat
others, male or female, with moral respect, not expecting
himself to be pampered like a child.

     Maturity doesn't mean old age. It is a state of a
degree of wisdom and fairness, not having to make
excuses for lax behavior."

                                     *    *    *

    "Maturity can be compared to a precious jewel such
as an emerald. To be the possessor, the cultivator, and
have the ability to express sound maturity can never
be attributed to growing older because maturity is like
the emerald, the more depth to the color of the emerald,
the more valuable it is.

     This, in comparison to maturity in us, expresses
itself not in a constant or consistent seriousness in all
matters, under all conditions, in front of all people, but
it manifests itself in our integrity, our code of ethics,
our ability to see what is right and what is wrong, our
ability to speak without anger, without sarcasm, without
a superior attitude and without jesting to cover up our

     Maturity is growing, in being able to, in a dignified
way, respond to responsibility without feeling
importance. Maturity is to dignify situations and
associations with a stability of nature, personality,
self-control, self-discipline, sound moral values and sound
moral standards.

     The more depth one attains in handling life with
maturity, the more value there is to life. Like the
emerald, the depth in its color gives it a more valuable

     There is no better time than this Retreat to see the
value of maturity over the insecurity and the lack of
depth in immaturity."

Saint Joseph's Hill Of Hope
Brea, California 92822 U.S.A.
All Revelations are delivered spontaneously
and continuously as witnessed by all those
present at the time.
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