PRESS RELEASE: wants to save 25 lives for free today

To celebrate the launch of on World No Tobacco Day, the
founder is giving away 50 copies of his $47 product devised to help smokers
quit for free. The website is dedicated to quitting
smoking and has launched just in time for World No Tobacco Day on 31st May.

Derbyshire, United Kingdom, 31 May 2006 - The website, is
a start up by entrepreneur, Pete Howells from England who at the age of 33,
finally found a solution to quit smoking with little or no effort. He was so
impressed with the solution for quitting smoking that his therapist gave
him, he wrote up the solution to market on the internet.

The EasyQuit System comprises an e-book consisting of about 100 pages, that
addresses most if not all of the reasons why people smoke and why they think
they enjoy it. He argues that nicotine addiction is far less difficult to
overcome than is commonly perceived. He also suggests that the biggest
reason for smokers not managing to quit is because they think life will no
longer be enjoyable without cigarettes.

He believes that the negative effects of smoking are only a motive for
smokers to quit cigarettes. Smokers need means and opportunity as well as
motive to quit and that is what he claims to offer in his book. He suggests
that by simply reading his work and thinking about what he has to say, most
smokers will stop smoking without having to use any will power or effort as
a result of this motive, means and opportunity approach.

Such claims are difficult to accept at first but the system is based on
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, not Neuro-Linguistic Programming or Hypnotism
as with so many other systems available online. The only caveat that the
offer requires is that people who download this free copy, let him know if
they actually manage to quit smoking and provide him with a testimonial -
either good or bad so he can improve the product.

The author smoked heavily for 20 years and had always found it impossible to
quit whenever he tried until he found out about this system for
understanding why he smoked. He is confident that 90% of readers will be
able to quit too, using his system.

The author describes himself as an inherently lazy person who was unwilling
to make an effort to quit smoking. He proudly suggests that the system is
'the lazy man's way to quit smoking'.

Governments around the world are legislating against smoking but the author
believes this is too little too late and is only paying lip service to the
problem of tobacco. He claims that the tax revenues the British government
get from tobacco sales dwarf their anti-smoking campaign 400-fold. "If they
were serious about getting people to quit smoking, they would be doing 
he claims. He goes on to add that the vast majority of smokers are known to
want to quit smoking because they know the damage they are doing to
themselves, so there is a needy market for this solution.

The free download offer will be withdrawn once the first 50 emails are
received although a sample copy consisting of the first few chapters will
remain available on the site. To obtain a copy, simply email the contact
address below or visit