The realisation of the immense richness buried just off the Continental
shelf in fossil bed of gold bearing rivers is a wonderful omen to fishermen
the world over ( as the feedback has proven to me )

... all the more since readily available gold by the thousand of tons is
just within grasp of Pakistan, India; China; Canada & USA W & E coasts,
Brazil,  Argentina, Venezuela ... and of course Portugal which is of the
European nations the first to have understood the validity of that option
As for the Negroes countries of Africa, I am afraid then again they will
have to rely of others to exploit their immense subsea resources, of few
millions tons of gold out of East & South Africa and of course a few
thousand tons of diamonds within 300 m depth of ZA & Namibia

With kind regards

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer

Exploration Geologist
Founder of the True Geology

-Bus ph 00333 650 171 464 -

~~  Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven  ~~