The next Gold Rush is going to be started soon towards getting the gold at
sea nearer the Continental shelves of all continents of the world
 and directly available at the foot of first trust faults going towards the
depth in the previous river bed of gold bearing rivers which indeed proceed
for 100 miles at time on the Ocean Floor.

NB The reason why such river beds were filled in by the Ocean rise,  and why
such MSL dropped from 150 m to 400 m only 12 000 years ago,  can be
explained simply by the True Geology , and it will be in time. So don't
waste yourself asking questions to the Universilties fools masquerading as
geologists ... concentrate yourself on the job at hand which is to get dozen
of tons of gold in the next month or so !!!

It makes reason,  that having in mind the time of deposit since the last
settlement,  one can count on NOT more that 12 000 years accumulation at the
foot of slides indeed . In clear the pockets of gold available will vary
from a few 100  tons available in California to more than one 1000 tons in
Alaska & China to reach the one 1 000 000 tons of gold in Brazil & Argentina
& Chile, in the main rivers indeed of South America

The method is quite simple to implement and would bring to light certainly
one million tons of gold to the different bordering nations in the this very
Further it falls to reason that the topography method of location by the
known mapping of the Marine charts must be used with a depth sounder for
precision. The tools to be used and installed upon Grapnel  will be multiple
wires Grab or Drag able to go down to the required depth ( the multiple wire
Grab crane allowing this is most case ) Upon the Grapnel will be installed
simple gravitation operated ( or alternatively mechanical )  generating
appropriate centrifugal force to recover the Gold from the silt & sand !

The recovery process will take very little in time, technology and
imagination to be highly profitable to intelligent and minds who have freed
themselves from the horrid conditioning imposed by the fraudulent alleged
science known as Geology ( and of course of his blood sucking parasites )

It goes without saying that in so doing, there could be some added bonus to
the intelligent entrepreneurs ! Indeed the highest source of untapped
mineral recourses are the 7 Seas of  the World, and since I tell you ,  as
an Australian Mining Pioneer with over 20 mineral discoveries,  of which 6
of major importance in australia  + other elsewhere,  so just take my word
for it  I have never never mislead willingly anyone nor taken advantage of
any animal in my life. Hence when unloading the dirt on the deck, be careful
to examine carefully what you get. You could have stumbled on a heavy sand,
Zircon , Diamonds, Cassiterite, Illemenite, Platinum spot.... and you could
have found to speak it literally, besides the famed pot of gold at the end
of the rainbow, so other pot of goodies too
This is a  completely altruistic move aims at stopping the incredible
Mercury pollution taking place, and of which mainly gougers are responsible
It is a most important step towards the preservation of our Planet

It goes without saying further that immense Subsea Placer deposits with
their millions and millions tons of Gold will be found, most probably at
greater depth, and I cannot pronounce myself without examining the
environment ... and of course using that technique I talked about to
localise those huge deposits. A new era lies ahead where such commodities as
indicated above will be available freely, and they are needed to develop
free energy systems, further still and in the line of my personal research,
the huge deposits of bauxite lying down below could certainly overcome the
use of Iron ore and all the added elements needed to improve such in
particular application. Indeed using Aluminium as a basis, through a easy to
implement technology which I have discovered , all resilience and strain
characteristic. can be obtained from Aluminium alone ( even the memory
shaped forms )

I can be reached by email for consultation at mining_pioneer at and again at I have as well a direct business phone at +33 650 17 1464. I am
able for travelling to any part of the world  except australia in the next
month or so... although a booking could take place soon to go to China., I
could be available straight after my return.

I am sorry to say that all Australia Gold mines will be all Ghost Towns soon
( Telfer Mine, Kalgoorlie etc )  i.e. from 6 month min to 2 years max. I
have brought immense richness to that country of Bastards with the
discoveries of the huge Great Sandy Desert Deposits. What I received in
return was not a single cent and not a single thanks ... but on the contrary
dumb silence from the Political Criminals  or most vicious insults from the
Mining Criminals and their representatives on the Internet or the Political
scene ( Court, Lawrence, Gallop ) when requesting a bit of gratitude &
recognition for Services to Queen & Country. It is amassing that all through
the world should see now such an amazing return of the boomerang of fate,
indicating the evident presence of a Superior Intelligence presiding over
our destinies, and as well that all those guilty of a most heinous
Collective Crime are always meeting Collective Punishment as a result of the
implementation of the Divine Laws of Retribution of the Universe  The circle
of one generation is completed as far as I am concerned ...or nearly at
that. This is indeed on Friday the 13th of May 1966 at the age of 26 that I
took the decision to embark towards the Antipodeans Hell of australia ... my
late mother had solemnly warned me against such decision :"" Do not go to
australia, we have no friends there""   How right she was !!!  So 40 years
later what I have pulled out from the ground will return to the ground ...
the mines I have brought to life will return to death ...thanks to the greed
and unfairness of a nation built on Crime standards and manned and directly
indeed along those lines !!! The Subsea Placers deposits were known to me a
few years back, when I indeed put the True Geology on its rail, but I
exerted restraint in disclosing such information since the evident
consequences would be the closure of all Australian gold mine. What swayed
my decision towards the irrevocable was the letter of Premier Gallop to Dr
Don Findlay where the Criminal Premies like his predecessor was denying
everything ... for the 3rd time. That meant that the Convict Colony had not
changed since its establishment . always devoted to Crimes and Cover Up !
The Land of No Hope as Gallop confirmed !


With best regards

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer

Exploration Geologist
Founder of the True Geology

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ! ~~