Louise Bremner wrote:
> Paul Blay <ask_me_or_get_spam_trapped@saotome.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>>"Dan Rempel" <drempel@islandnet.com> wrote ...
>>>Louise Bremner wrote:
>>>>"choose F11 - for full screen" ...
>>>>I suspect they aren't making a subtle Mac joke.
>>>Although it is pretty funny.
>>Incidentally the default "re-henkan key" on a Windows XP 
>>machine (without a Japanese keyboard) is F13.
>>(In case Louise is wondering, no there isn't (generally)
>>an F13 key on PC keyboards.  Although I vaguely recall one 
>>that went up to F14 or possibly even F16 once.)
> Gosh... You mean the recent Mac keyboards have _more_ keys than PC ones?

Keyboards? I thought you did everything with a single button mouse?