B Robson wrote:
> CL wrote:
>> B Robson wrote:
>>> tm wrote:
>>>> B Robson 
>>>>> tm wrote:
>>>>>> B Robson wrote:
>>>>>>> tm wrote:
>>>>>>>> B Robson wrote:
>>>>>>>>> tm wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> B Robson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> tm wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> B Robson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Volcanoes cause earthquakes? 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes.
>>>>>>>>>>>> google-  volcano-tectonic earthquake
>>>>>>>>>>> Which volcano caused the recent earthquake off Sendai?
>>>>>>>>>> None. What's your point?
>>>>>>>>> How many earthquakes were caused by volcanoes?
>>>>>>>> Lazy shit. Do your own math. Subtract the number that weren't 
>>>>>>>> from the total and you'll know.
>>>>>>> So you don't know that this is correct.
>>>>>>> "Japan is a country on volcanic land - most unsuitable for 
>>>>>>> urbanization. This makes the land very fertile but also produces 
>>>>>>> *many* earthquakes."
>>>>>> Depends on how one defines "many", doesn't it?
>>>>> You can also define 1=2, but that's not going to help you either.
>>>> Now you are just being silly.
>>> A lot less silly than you. You know full well, or at least should 
>>> know, that volcanoes are not responsible for many earthquakes in Japan.
>> Maybe you're looking in the wrong place.  Try Izu-Oshima and 
>> Miyakejima's volcanic eruptions and the three years of daily 
>> earthquakes in Ito and the surrounding areas.
> Shima and jima means island doesn't it?

Ummm ... yeah.  Was that something in the Japan Fact Sheet that I 
missed?  The two islands I mentioned are part of Izu-shoto and shoto 
means island chain or island group.  The Izu-shoto are all volcanoes 
that are sticking up above the water and there are a couple of more that 
don't stick up above the water but make a fish nabe like a kilometer 
across when they erupt. Lots of dead cooked fish floating on the water 
then.  Maybe you'd have to be there ...