Gabor Farkas <> wrote:

> "
> The suck of gravity is not as powerful as the explosive gases that push 
> it out of the barrel. So it will accelerate to a maximum speed of not 
> 3,000 kilometres per hour, but somewhere between 330 and 770 kilometres 
> per hour - depending upon the weight and shape of the bullet.
> "

> ?!?!?!?!?

> what's he talking about?

Acceleration of falling objects?

> yes, the explosive gases maybe represent a greater force, but they stop 
> affecting the bullet after it left the gun. on the other hand, the 
> gravity affects the bullet the whole time.

Which is why the bullet stops rising, and eventually fall.

> and since when does the weight of an item affect the speed of it's fall?

Wind resistance.

> to keep this simple:
> let's ignore the air resistance for a while.

You can't, or the bullet would accelerate downwards with any terminal
