The Nintendo Press Conference at E3 is normally FULL of amazing games and 
announcements, as well as a much more in depth view of the next console. 
This year, the conference was a tad shit, the Revolution was not really 
shown except for the design of the casing - and a new Micro Gameboy was put 
on display.  New Zelda was good!

Throughout the news conference, the top dog at Ninty hinted at some form of 
puzzle, if you want to work out what the revolution is all about.  He also 
hinted at the left or RIGHT side of the brain being important to CREATE 

He was also on the verge of laughing, and not taking the press conference 
serious - he was joking around and extremely laid back which was not normal.

So...the conference was weird.

Reginald Aim Fils.  His name has been linked to a domain name, and that 
domain name is  .  He tried to hide his name, but people 
managed to work it out.

That domain name has a video clip, and the URL of the video is COMPLETELY 
DIFFERENT FORMAT to IGN's usual hype / hoax videos which suggests that this 
is being treated differently.  Are they in on this?

The colours sof the device in the video MATCH the colours of the revolution 
on this page:

Next have a look at these:

Getting excited yet guys?

Man, I really really hope that is the real revolution, man I will wet my 
pants!!!  Remember, Nintendo have already said they want to change the way 
we SEE and FEEL games with the revolution...

Go check it out!!!