<declan_murphy@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> play area (yes I know it is supposed to be for kids), and as I
> mentioned here in the thread "Strange incident at Immigration" a while
> back, on one of my visits the staff had the temerity to actually smile
> at me, and were generally very helpful and friendly.
> They will be serving fucking cappucinos next.

Did I tell you about the time I renewed my visa in Naha?

The office opened at 1:00, and we were about 30 minutes early. So we sat in
the hall to wait.

About 15 minutes before 1:00, the immigration officer came out to chat with
us. Of the two other people waiting with us, one lady didn't have an
immigration problem -- a cop had put a note on her car windshield and she
wanted to ask what it meant (it said "please don't leave your windows down
and your purse on the seat, as it invites crime"). The officer explained it
to her, then turned to find out our deals. He told me that instead of
renewing my visa, I ought to get a permanent residency -- that it would be
no problem, and gave me the procedure to do so.

Felt like freaking Maybury. But I didn't mind too much.

Ryan Ginstrom