bitter anko Takada wrote:
> "Ernest Schaal" <> wrote in message
>>in article, TXZZ at
>> wrote on 4/7/05 8:30 AM:
>>>The money these robots are consuming should be going to paying
>>>employees and lowering prices
>>The problem is that paying employees to do the same thing costs more, so
>>prices would escalate, not decrease. Also, Japan and much of the developed
>>world is having a problem finding qualified workers. That is why most
>>developed countries are loosening their immigration laws.
>>One of the reasons that America has been so successful is that they have a
>>long history of adsorbing immigrants into the marketplace, immigrants that
>>become new citizens.
> In other words, that could be said as America has been exploiting from
> immigrants as cheap labors, by fooling them as if they could get the
> fictitious, so-called "American dream" or something.

Guess you don't know any songs by Woody Guthrie, then.