Raj Kapoor Feridun <rferid@NOSPAMyahoo.co.jp> wrote in message news:<lapvd011f1ddntg3lbmkd45prdmv7gplm9@4ax.com>...

Journalist Christopher Hitchens: from "left" charlatan to mouthpiece
for the Republican right
By David Walsh
27 November 2000

(article which in NO WAY refutes Hitchens' cogent critique of Moore's
garbage snipped)

Raj quoted this totally unrelated piece of garbage AFTER writing the

<<I have no problem with people bashing Moore personally. By
"Moore-basher" I meant those bashing the film. Unfortunately in the
case of right-wingers they are one and the same. They attack Moore
personally because they lack anything factual to say about his
anti-Bush allegations.>>

Raj, you had NOTHING TO THE POINT to say, you are a liar, a hypocrite,
and, to put it succinctly, a pathetic piece of barely human shit. Your
mother was a whore and you are chasing defenseless women in the Tokyo
parks. Therefore you have no moral stand to criticize Cristopher
Hitchens. How do you like that argument? It's in no way better than

By the way, the "barely human piece" shit wasn't said just for the
sake of the argument. That you are.
