Louise Bremner wrote:
> Ron Hitler Barrassi <greg-the-stop-sign@tism.com.au> wrote:
>>Louise Bremner wrote:
>>>Ron Hitler Barrassi <greg-the-stop-sign@tism.com.au> wrote:
>>>>Louise Bremner wrote:
>>>>>Ron Hitler Barrassi <greg-the-stop-sign@tism.com.au> wrote:
>>>>>>My last care package, and I do mean *last* included flavoured 
>>>>>>dehydrated rice meals. Yes, rice. 
>>>>>Um.... I ask visitors to bring rice if they really want to give me
>>>>>something I can't buy in Japan. But I make it clear I mean Basmatti
>>>>Seijou near Shinjuku Minamiguchi. Or a stroll through Okubo.
>>>Real Basmati? Or just the cheapest stuff they can fob off as "ethnic"
>>>(bearing in mind the 1000% import duties)?
>>Seijo has Thai Jasmine which I love. In Okubo there are lots of 
>>ethnic shops run by real ethnics. The Indian stores are heaven on 
>>earth and have several types of rice.
> Specific directions? Shinjuku Minamiguchi is a large area, especially
> when you add "near" to it, and it's a long time since I knew my way
> around Okubo.

To Seijo: There are two exits the real minami guchi which leads 
to the main road, and higashi minami guchi (tou nan guchi?) which 
leads to the plaza and large steps down. As you come out of 
higashi minami, turn hard left you will see HMV (?or Tower 
Records or something). Don't go in there, further left and there 
is an entrance you probably have never seen before. You can buy 
an ice cream there.

Okubo, I couldn't explain. Go and have a browse (head south from 
JR Okubo).