Declan Murphy wrote:

> Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:
>> necoandjeff wrote:
>>> Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:
>>>> Paris for honeymoon? So bourgeois. Nice no doubt.
>>>> You "know" that I am not getting laid? Hey, I am not the one
>>>> married to a Japanese woman. I get quite sick of married people
>>>> trying to take a vicarious pleasure out of my sex life. (There is
>>>> only one person who knows what I get up to and that's just so I
>>>> can hear his stories).
>>>> It's not my fault you have to look forward to birthdays and
>>>> Christmas (unless you live in the US then maybe New Year). Go out
>>>> and get laid yourself, married men are supposed to be attractive
>>>> to women.
>>> It is true that the frequency of sex tends to drop slightly once you get
>>> married. But that is slightly as compared to a normal single sex life 
>>> Brett.
>>> Your assumption that it drops to zero is solely due to the starting 
>>> point
>>> for your comparison, I'm afraid. Hang in there mate.
>> And why are you calling me "Brett". I am Ron Hitler Barrassi, lead 
>> singer of the band TISM.
> Do you write the lyrics for the band as well as sing?
> "Everyone else has had more sex than me,
> Does anyone else get that feeling?"

No that's Humphrey B. Flaubert, he is married. He also wrote

Perfume! The smell of perfume
Is forgotten, and the shape of the room
And the sheets on her bed
Disappear forever from my head.
No more the sudden thrill
As I dip into the swill -
Never again to visit
The palace, the palace of love.

Forty years of livin' - then death,
That's all that's left;

The fingers that knot my tie
Are fat with some success;
But they tremble - still so slightly,
So far only I notice:

Off I go to the men's room
For the seventh time today:
My bladder no longer hears me,
No matter what I say.
I count the tiles in front of me,
And wait as the trickle falls:
I've gone and pissed thirty years
Up against a wall.

The Irish hate the Irish;
It's Arab versus Jew;
You're cactus if you're Kurdish,
And by Christ I'm sick of you.