necoandjeff wrote:
> Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:
>>necoandjeff wrote:
>>>Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:
>>>>necoandjeff wrote:
>>>>>Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>>>>"iku no hou mite yo".
>>>>>I must have missed this little gem. How kawaii!! You would think
>>>>>Japanese chicks would find this kind of thing charming...
>>>>Tell me, if it's not too personal, how long after marriage did
>>>>the sex stop?
>>>Yes, it was quite a romp when we got married, but if I recall
>>>correctly we stopped after a few days so we could actually get out
>>>and see Paris a bit. But first things first Brett. You need to
>>>concern yourself with *getting* laid before you start worrying about
>>>when you might it might stop.
>>Paris for honeymoon? So bourgeois. Nice no doubt.
>>You "know" that I am not getting laid? Hey, I am not the one
>>married to a Japanese woman. I get quite sick of married people
>>trying to take a vicarious pleasure out of my sex life. (There is
>>only one person who knows what I get up to and that's just so I
>>can hear his stories).
>>It's not my fault you have to look forward to birthdays and
>>Christmas (unless you live in the US then maybe New Year). Go out
>>and get laid yourself, married men are supposed to be attractive
>>to women.
> It is true that the frequency of sex tends to drop slightly once you get
> married. But that is slightly as compared to a normal single sex life Brett.

what is "a normal single sex life Brett"? You have 6 nouns in a 
row without any grammar. Or maybe some of them are adjectives. I 
just can't parse it.

> Your assumption that it drops to zero is solely due to the starting point
> for your comparison, I'm afraid. Hang in there mate.

Forget it, no amount of goading is going to get you to tell my 
stories. Buy a porn video if you need titillation.