Musashi wrote:
> "Brett Robson" <> wrote in message news:cri84b$l9f$
>>Musashi wrote:
>>>"TXZZ" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>She admitted to hitting her children for one thing.  How can that
>>>>I'm sure you found that very funny and very witty, while getting a warm
>>>>fuzzy feeling from teaching me japanese 
>>people that use kanji for 良い are dicks.
> That is a gross generalization.
> People who complain about using or not using kanji, when the poster is dealing with the hassle
> of the MS input editor, are the same kind of people who complain about misspellings and punctuation
> errors in posts written in English.....namely; dicks.

That analogy is completely fatuous. Or maybe your English really
is shit.

If you are blaming MS input editor for your stupid written
Japanese, then your really are a dick.