There is nothing for exact information.


"kokuba" <> wrote in message 
>> Election Advice, The latest Osama Bin Laden Video, Statement friom the
>> People of Fallujah
>> We are now back on line after nearly completing a book on the 9/11 
>> attacks
>> to be published March 2005. Here is a hurried missive...
>> Vote Kerry, but only in the swing states. Otherwise vote for the Greens 
>> or
>> for Nader. Kerry is not necessarily better, but he's more constrained by
>> his
>> supporters than Bush. In addition, if Bush loses, his power to silence
>> federal employees is gone, which may enable the truth about 9/11 and the
>> bogus `war on terror` to come out.
>> If Kerry wins, don't wait till January to start fighting for a withdrawal
>> from Iraq. Kerry's policy, a successful internationalisation of the
>> Bush/Blair war would be a disaster. The 1991 attack on Iraq was far more
>> murderous than the 2003 attack. The reason: `international support`
>> permitted worse crimes than US/UK dare to do on their own.
>> The BBC was certainly right in its choice of the word "spectral" to
>> describe
>> the latest Osamam Bin Laden video. What are we to make of a video 
>> released
>> three days before the US election apparently produced by a man who many
>> thought dead?
>> For the suspicious (who often turn out to be right when it comes to the 
>> US
>> government) the video could easily be a fraud. The only hard evidence the
>> world has seen is a fuzzy picture of someone who looks very much like OBL
>> talking in a voice which the CIA says is his voice. Nowadays there are
>> machines which, given a recording of someone's voice, will generate a new
>> message in the same voice. Some 9/11 sceptics suggest the famous mobile
>> phone calls (generally impossible from over 7,000 feet) were generated in
>> this way.
>> Suppose the video is genuine. The real Bin Laden was probably suffering
>> from
>> kidney disease. He certainly aged dramatically between 1996 and 2001 even
>> though he had access to medical help. The current Bin Laden is as fit or
>> fitter than he was three years ago, certainly not on the run in the wild
>> Pakistani tribal areas. Somebody is sheltering him. Who might that be?
>> There are three Osama Bin Ladens a. The lean looking Islamic militant who
>> denounced the 9/11 attacks in the Pakistani media as the unislamic 
>> killing
>> of women and children. b. The fat OBL interviewed by the Pakistani
>> newspaper
>> The Dawn in November 2001 (and also an appearance on the November 2001
>> video
>> the CIA used to claim proof of his involvement in 9/11). c. Now thin
>> again,
>> the `original` OBL claiming responsibility for 9/11.
>> If they are same person, OBL is a cynical political manipulator, telling
>> one
>> thing to the Islamic community (he was not responsible for 9/11) and
>> another
>> to the West (he was responsible), a man without kidney disease, rambling
>> in
>> a narcissistic way about his youth, a sort of media celebrity. In other
>> words not an Islamic militant at all, a fraud. Who might a fraud like 
>> this
>> be working for?
>> It seems more likely that the real Bin Laden is dead as claimed in the
>> Pakistani and Egyptian press in December 2001.
>> Whoever wins the election, the neocon Observer (London) was right for
>> once:
>> the new Bin Laden video is good for Bush. The Democrats have tried to 
>> spin
>> it as a reminder that Bush failed to capture him, but this only adds fire
>> to
>> the irrational flames of fear and anger which Bush has used as political
>> fuel so successfully since 2001.
>> Whenever Bush/Blair have been in trouble, an Al Qaida attack has
>> materialised, which is why they are known to many as Al-CIA-Duh. The Abu
>> Ghraib torture scandal was pushed off the news schedules by the dodgy
>> video
>> of the supposed Nick Berg beheading (by overweight `Islamic militants`,
>> one
>> wearing a gold ring). The run-up to the Iraq war was accompanied by a
>> `terrorist threat` requiring troop deployments at Heathrow. The recent
>> transfer of UK troops to Baghdad was eclipsed by the kidnapping of
>> Margaret
>> Hassan.
>> Meanwhile in Iraq there are two wars. In the real war Iraqis with
>> international law on their side are conducting a classic colonial
>> liberation
>> war against US killers in helicopter gunships.
>> But our controlled media work in the Green Zone next to the Iraqi 
>> puppets.
>> For them the war in Iraq is being waged by the sinister villain Abu Musab
>> al-Zarqawi, while US/UK troops bravely try to introduce slow witted Iraqi
>> peasants to democracy. This is what the people of Fallujah have to say
>> about
>> al-Zarqawi:
>> (Quote)
>> We know that we live in a  world of double standards. In Fallujah the US
>> has
>> created a new and shadowy  target-Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.  Al-Zarqawi is a
>> new
>> excuse to  justify the US's criminal actions. A year has passed since 
>> this
>> new excuse was  dreamed up, and every time they attack homes, mosques and
>> restaurants, killing  women and children, they say, "We have launched a
>> successful operation against  al-Zarqawi."  They will never say they have
>> killed him, because he does not exist.
>> The people of Fallujah assure  you that this person is not in the city,
>> nor
>> probably anywhere else in Iraq.  Many times the people of  Fallujah have
>> asked that if anyone sees al-Zarqawi they should kill him. We know  now
>> that
>> he is
>> nothing but a phantom created by the US.
>> (Quote ends, remainder at end)
>> For  more on al-Zarqawi
>> Is%20Zarqawi%20Another%20Black-Op%20By%20John%20Doraemi.htm
>> or go to and scroll down to 25.10.204
>> If al-Zarqawi is not for real, who then carried out the bloodiest attacks
>> of
>> all in Iraq: the well organised murders of hundreds of Shi'ites, in
>> attacks
>> clearly designed to provoke a civil war there in Spring of this year. The
>> genuine Iraqi resistance denied it - they have spent much effort on
>> maintaining a common front against US/UK. Here's a clue: it happened 
>> after
>> the Western media whores chorused warnings of the `danger` of a civil 
>> war.
>> Here's another clue: when the genuine militant Al Sadr used his newspaper
>> to
>> denounce Mossad/CIA for these atrocities, the US launched an all-out war
>> against him.
>> Largely unknown to the public, the news media have little more freedom to
>> tell the truth here than their equivalents did in the Soviet Union. Since
>> the sacking of Greg Dyke (reportedly organised by ex MI5 boss and BBC
>> Governor Dame Neville Jones), the sacking of Piers Morgan (after pressure
>> from `American investors`) and the introduction of the BBC's `compliance
>> unit` everyone in the media knows it.
>> After the lies on WMD and the lies on 9/11 we now have an even more
>> unlikely
>> lie: Bush/Blair may have made mistakes but they are sincere and in Iraq 
>> to
>> help the Iraqi people.
>> But, as in the Soviet Union, the hints are there if you look out for 
>> them,
>> words like `spectral`, or the phrase from a US journalist during the
>> anthrax
>> attacks that it `felt like a B movie`. Walter Cronkite, the ageing doyen
>> from a less censored era, told Larry King at the weekend:
>> In fact, I'm a little inclined to think that Karl Rove, the political
>> manager at the White House, who is a very clever man, he probably set up
>> bin
>> Laden to this thing.
>> The astonishing thing is the low quality of the evidence that Bush/Blair
>> and
>> the media whores are offering for their legends. Arab speakers say they
>> have
>> not even bothered to give `al-Zarqawi` a Jordanian accent. The Nick Berg
>> `beheading` failed to produce any blood - Berg was clearly already a
>> corpse.
>> Al-Zarqawi once had one a leg but now has two again.
>> If Osama Bin Laden and al-Zarqawi ever existed as genuine militants they
>> are
>> probably now dead, replaced by spectres. Who benefits? The people who 
>> want
>> to stay in Iraq for ever, who wrecked the Iraqi state as soon as they
>> seized
>> the country, who cancelled elections in summer 2003 when they went the
>> wrong
>> way, who are building permanent bases there and fomenting a civil war to
>> justify their presence.
>> Here is the full statement from Fallujah:
>> Received via Bristol Stop the War Coalition:-
>> This letter was sent by  representatives of the people of Fallujah to the
>> UN
>> secretary general Kofi  Annan
>> " IT IS more than  evident that US forces are committing daily acts of
>> genocide in Iraq. As we  write, these crimes are being perpetrated 
>> against
>> the
>> city of Fallujah.
>> US war planes are launching  their most powerful bombs against the
>> civilian
>> population, killing and wounding  hundreds of innocent people. Their 
>> tanks
>> are
>> pounding the city with heavy  artillery.
>> As you know, there is no  military presence in the city. There have been
>> no
>> actions by the resistance in  Fallujah in the last few weeks because
>> negotiations are in progress between  representatives of the city and the
>> Allawi government.
>> The new bombardment by the US  has begun while the people are fasting
>> during
>> the celebration of Ramadan. Now  many of them are trapped in the ruins of
>> their homes and cut off from any  outside assistance.
>> On the night of 13 October a  single US bombardment  destroyed 50 houses
>> and
>> their inhabitants. Is this a crime of genocide or  a lesson about US
>> democracy? The US is committing acts of terror against the  people of
>> Fallujah
>> for only one reason-to force them to accept the  occupation.
>> Your excellency and the whole  world know that the US and their allies
>> have
>> destroyed our country on the  pretext of the threat of weapons of mass
>> destruction.  Now, after their own mass  destruction and the killing of
>> thousands of civilians, they have admitted that  they have not found any.
>> But they have said nothing  about the crimes they have committed. The
>> whole
>> world is silent, and even the  killing of Iraqi civilians is not
>> condemned.
>> Will the US be paying compensation,  as it made Iraq do after the 1991
>> Gulf
>> War?
>> We know that we live in a  world of double standards. In Fallujah the US
>> has
>> created a new and shadowy  target-Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.  Al-Zarqawi is a
>> new
>> excuse to  justify the US's criminal actions. A year has passed since 
>> this
>> new excuse was  dreamed up, and every time they attack homes, mosques and
>> restaurants, killing  women and children, they say, "We have launched a
>> successful operation against  al-Zarqawi."  They will never say they have
>> killed him, because he does not exist.
>> The people of Fallujah assure  you that this person is not in the city,
>> nor
>> probably anywhere else in Iraq.  Many times the people of  Fallujah have
>> asked
>> that if anyone sees al-Zarqawi they should kill him. We know  now that he
>> is
>> nothing but a phantom created by the US.
>> Our representatives have  repeatedly denounced kidnapping and killing of
>> civilians. We have nothing to do  with any group that acts in an inhumane
>> manner. We call on you and the leaders  of the world to exert the 
>> greatest
>> pressure on the Bush administration to end  its crimes against Fallujah
>> and
>> pull its army back from the city.
>> When they left a while ago,  the city had peace and tranquillity. There
>> was
>> no disorder in the city. The  civil administration here functioned well,
>> despite the lack of resources.  Our "offence" is simply that  we did not
>> welcome the forces of occupation.  This is our right according to  UN
>> Charter, according to international law and according to the norms of
>> humanity.
>> It is very urgent that you,  along with other world leaders, intervene
>> immediately to prevent another  massacre.  We have tried to contact UN
>> representatives in Iraq to ask them to do this but, as you know, they are
>> sealed  off in the maximum security Green Zone in Baghdad and we are not
>> allowed access  to them.  We want the UN to take a stand  on the 
>> situation
>> in Fallujah.
>> Best wishes, in the name of  the people of Fallujah, the shura council of
>> Fallujah, the trade union  association, the teachers' union, and the
>> council
>> of tribal leaders  "
>> Kassim Abdullsattar  al-Jumaily: President
>> The Study Center of Human Rights &  Democracy
>> On behalf of the people of Fallujah and  for:
>> Al-Fallujah Shura Council
>> The Bar  Association
>> The Teacher Union
>> Council of  Tribes Leaders
>> The House of Fatwa and Religious  Education
>> (statement ends)
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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