On 10/20/2004 4:50 PM, Ernest Schaal wrote:
> in article cl5552$msp$1@newsflood.tokyo.att.ne.jp, Scott Reynolds at
> sar@gol.com wrote on 10/20/04 4:46 PM:
>>On 10/20/2004 4:32 PM, Ernest Schaal wrote:
>>>in article cl53u1$lse$2@newsflood.tokyo.att.ne.jp, Scott Reynolds at
>>>sar@gol.com wrote on 10/20/04 4:26 PM:
>>>>It occurred to me that you might say he was whitewashing Japan's crimes
>>>>in WW2.
>>>Why would I say that?
>>Because he prefers to read books about Salamis than about the Rape of
> Actually, I don't like reading about WWII that much. I tend to read about
> earlier history. 
> Your assumptions to the contrary, and the insulting assumption that I would
> assume that someone interested in earlier history is whitewashing Japan's
> crimes says a lot about you, and it isn't favorable.

I'm sorry to hear that.

>>>Can't you tell the difference between someone silent on a particular matter
>>>and someone who says something didn't happen?
>>I'm glad to hear that you think that people who are silent about
>>something are not necessarily claiming it didn't happen.
> I am surprised that your would think that I would assume that silent about
> something are claiming it didn't happen.

A lot of the criticism about Japanese whitewashing seems to focus on 
what people (politicians, etc.) didn't say, rather than on what they 
actually said. I'm happy to hear that you don't subscribe to that sort 
of thinking.

Scott Reynolds                                      sar@gol.com