We've got an advance preview of the CD posted online at the link below.  
We'd like your comments  -- anonymously -- and, if you like what you 
hear, we've extended the 33% discount on the CD until the "ship date" 
(tentatively January 8th, but even we don't know for sure, it might be 
sooner) as part of our pre-sales promotion.  We're asking people which 
songs they like best and why, to help us strategize our radio targeting.

You'll be able to say you're a supporter of the independent music scene, 
and if you purchase a "pre-sale" CD, you'll receive an invitation to the 
special "preview" party on Jan. 12 at the Horseshoe in Chicago.  If you 
can't make it to the party, we'll mail the CDs out to you the following 
week, and you'll still have the CD even before radio stations or retail 
sales outlets!


is the listening link, no download required, just a browswer with Flash 
installed (90% of browsers installed today are compatible).

Thanks for your input and feedback, and please feel free to pass this 
link along to anyone whom you feel may find it of interest,

Steve Pasek
BiG Productions, Inc.
Blues Warrior Records
Chicago, IL