> * Don't Blame Iran for Iraq

How many of the following has the Bush Administration attempted to blame 
Iraq's decline for?

 [ ] the troops
 [ ] liberals
 [ ] Congress
 [ ] Al Qaeda
 [ ] Iraq's puppet government
 [ ] Iraqi police & military
 [ ] Syria & Iran (but certainly not Arabia!)
 [ ] Congress
 [ ] Cindy Sheehan
 [ ] Donald Rumsfeld
 [ ] Jose Padilla

Meanwhile, Bush is the "decider", and has micromanaged every aspect of the 

Oh, and now he wants someone to take the position of War Czar. Anyone want 
to join the list?

> * Annual terrorism report will show 29% rise in attacks

Didn't the Bushies claim the war would reduce terrorism rates?

> * Cocaine Purer And Cheaper Despite Drug War -

Translation: The spooks are raising money the easy way, to offset their 
missing budget.
