Dear FJ Life in Japan members,

My name is Megumi NIshikura, I am a filmmaker currently producing a
film about the experience of mixed-race Japanese.

As many of you know, 1 in 18 marriages in Japan (and 1 in 10 in Tokyo)
are international marriages. Even more surprising, is that 1 in 30
babies born today are born to a family where at least one of the
parents is not Japanese. In order to address this growing diversity
with in Japan we began production of this film earlier this year.

However as this is an independent production, we are putting on a
sneak preview/fundraiser event  on June 12th to help us to continue
our work.

Below is the info. We hope you will join us in celebrating the growing
diversity in Japan!

Celebrate diversity in Japan with HAFU PROJECT
12 June 2010 (Saturday)
6pm – 9pm

Come and celebrate cultural diversity with us by watching
a sneak preview of the forthcoming feature-length HAFU documentary

---- This event coincides with Loving Day - the day interracial
was legalized in the United States (June 12, 1967) ----

Meet the filmmakers and hafu project researcher to
enjoy an evening of lives performances by
comedic HAFU duo LOVE DRIVE and Nazihah's sensual belly dancing!

All proceeds will help produce the Hafu documentary film
and the Hafu Japanese photography/research project.

Venue: Las Chicas B1F in Aoyama (

Nearest station: Omotesando Exit B2 (5 mins walk)

Donation: With RSVP or before 7pm is 3000 yen (includes 1 drink)
After 7 is 4000yen (includes 1 drink)

Please RSVP via the following link: