Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppvegeta@hotmail.communism> wrote in 

> On Sat, 10 May 2003 16:15:18 +0200, "Pharsti" <>
> wrote:
>>Hmm... Let me butt in here for a sec.
>>First of all, I certainly wouldn't call those images official, sure
>>they're from gainax, but they weren't drawn by Sadamoto.
> Neither was the vast majority of the series. I very much doubt that
> Sadamoto drew every single cell personally by hand. Maybe he was in
> charge of the animation team, but I think that he would have delegated
> most of the donkey work to teams of low-wage slaves...

I know that, but surely they were under his supervision?

> Notice how the characters (especially Rei and Misato) can vary
> considerably in appearance from scene to scene and episode to episode?
> There are many scenes (usually minor and of no importance) throughout
> that are incredibly badly drawn.

Yep, yep...

>>Secondly, look at these:
>>From episode 13, where they are nude in their Eva's. To me, Asuka's
>>breasts are quite clearly bigger.
> Asuka is slimmer, so her breasts may appear larger in proportion to
> her body, but this is an example of one of the scenes I was talking
> about before. There is no detail on the cockpits at all, the shape of
> the trigger grips varies and unless you have scanned this from
> somewhere as opposed to capturing it, the whole thing is skewed. It
> just looks rushed. Considering that this scene is only about a second
> long, I don't suppose there is much point in making a major work of
> art out of it. 

Rei really does look like a fattie in this image ;) I really don't
think that Asuka is any slimmer or fatter than Rei. The outline of her
breast is just bigger here. But you're right, this isn't really the
best of images.

> I would be more inclined to trust the high-quality
> official artwork.

On the contrary. Both Asuka and Rei's breasts are way bigger in some
of the stuff you posted than they ever were in the show. I wouldn't
call that trustworthy. And either of the girls' breasts being bigger
than the other is all up to the artist's personal bias I think. I
doubt Sadamoto would give them a list with measurements and the such.

>>Also, from ep. 20:
>>As you can see, Asuka has more cleavage than Rei.
>>So in conclusion, Asuka has bigger breasts than Rei. ;)
> They actually look about the same here, though if you go forward a few
> frames, both girls' breasts seem to vanish totally...

They don't vanish, the outlining just isn't visible anymore under a
different angle. The only thing they did was remove the nipples.

But anyway, I've been raking through my collection (anime, manga,
artbooks etc.) and it's practically impossible to find a decent
comparison shot. Plugsuit pics, as you posted before, don't really
count IMO. What kind of material are they made of anyway? It seems
Asuka has some sort of metal breastplating on her chest. And in
episode 8, Shinji's breasts were the same size as Asuka's when he was
wearing her plugsuit. Go figure.

Did find these though (crank up the brightness of your monitor): <- flipped for comparison

I capped these from the renewal version of the opening so don't
complain about the animation being skewed or rushed and whatnot. And
their breasts... well, you be the judge. Maybe they're even *shock*
*horror* the SAME size... ;)

Resin kits:

No idea if these are official (I'm inclined to think they're not) but
I thought I'd share them anyway :)

Whew, that's the longest reply to an utterly pointless topic I've ever
made... I'm cursed with too much free time :|