"Declan Murphy" <declan_murphy@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Murgi wrote:
> >>I've had them through three companies. At each one, the results were
> >>sent to the employer, who then handed them over to the employees.
> >
> > Of course, unopened... I suppose.
> > But who knows whether the company also receives the precise results of
> > health condition in an additional letter?
> >
> > Sigi
> Sigi, a company that wants to know the precise results WILL know them.
>  From a privacy standpoint, its a ridiculous situation.
> I got an additional surprise this year. As well as the health check
> shindig (as an employee of my company I do the health check tango too) I
> am now required to do an extra and separate test because I am running a
> bar as a side business. Since I am the registered
> shokuhineiseikanrininsha, apparently I need to submit a stool sample
> twice yearly. How exactly I'm to gather this sample isn't something I've
> worked out the logistics of, given that there isn't a Japanese style
> toilet anywhere closeby that I know of. I asked if giving the sample
> this wasn't a little strange in this day and age - given that HACCP and
> other techniques will be more vital - but apparently the powers that be
> have declared that it is the destiny of some unfortunate young boffin in
> a white suit down at the Okazaki City Medical Association Public Health
> Center to sift through my sample for 0-157, salmonella and the like.
> I shit you not.

My wife informs me that the 'pros' recommend sitting on a Western-style
crapper back-to-front and then perform the 'collection' from whatever sticks
to the pan!  If that fails then crapping on a few sheets of newspaper is
also a popular alternative - I too shit you not!
