On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 15:10:15 +0900, "anko eater" <anko@eater.com>
brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:

>"thegoons" <thegoons@bigpond.com> wrote in message
>> I flew from Osaka (Kansai) to Sydney last week, on a Japan Airlines
>> Was most disappointed to learn that whilst it was still listed as a JAL
>> flight, it was in fact operated by JALways, a JAL Group company
>> but operated independently as a separate company with separate
>> board/chairman etc) with Bangkok-based flight attendants (mix of Japanese
>> but mostly Thai) and Honolulu-based pilots (Americans). To add insult to
>> injury, the JALways aircraft (complete with the old livery that was
>> to be phased out 2 years ago) was a 747-300 series, extremely worn and
>Better than DC-3. Is it true that some DC-3 is still in service in N.

And in other locales, I would wager.

But to decide that it's better than the DC-3, let's wait until the
747-300 is as old as the DC-3s are now, and then see if they're still


Michael Cash

"I am sorry, Mr. Cash, but we are unable to accept your rap sheet in lieu of
a high school transcript."

                                Dr. Howard Sprague
                                Dean of Admissions
                                Mount Pilot College