In article <>, (Alfred Einstead) wrote:
> (jsp) wrote:
>> During the past two years, the salaries of 
>> most scientists including physicists have decreased significantly.  
>Too much supply, not enough demand.

How am I supposed to read this datum?  1.  Every employed scientist
has received a pay cut.  2.  Starting salaries have decreased; but
starting salaries for what?  3.  The salaries of jobs transforming
dirt into gold are averaged in with the medical biochem jobs causing
the average for biochem to drop and the average for dirt-to-gold
to rise?

>It could be worse: it could be the guy-trap known as the
>programming field.  Guys are flocking in that field in
>droves, just as it's in the process of undergoing a major
>round of terminal deskilling and complete clericalizing

It's a hangover which the field hasn't recovered from.  Find
the job niche that is aging and you'll find the niche that will
become the "in thing" for the next five years.


Subtract a hundred and four for e-mail.