"Ed" <gwbush@whitehouse.com> wrote in message
> While sitting with my son at the hospital (he's been diagnosed with
> disease) I got tired of the inactivity of watching him play Stuffy 2 on
> game boy and took a walk. Right next to the hospital is a computer store
> that is going out of business. I walk in and there's almost nothing on the
> shelves. What they do have is an old demo version of a power mac 8500/120
> selling for 1,500 yen. A 17 inch monitor was going for 1,000 yen so I
> the computer and monitor and told my daughter that it's her computer.
> She was ecstatic about having her own computer until we powered the thing
> up. I'm a windows dude. I don't know jack about apple computers. She
> to access the internet, but I can't figure this thing out for the life of
> me.
> All I know is that it has version 8 something of a mac OS.
> Help, help, help!!!
> --
> you know I should of suspected he was gay.  his pecker tasted like shit.

Ed, really sorry to hear about your son - is he in the children's hospital
in Matsumoto?  Sumo. jnr had to have an operation there when he was 6 weeks
old (pyloric stenosis).  Our personal experience of the place was very good.
The care was excellent, nurses kind yet at all times professional, great
doctors - all of them with people skills (a minor miracle in Japan).

BTW there are quite a few Mac bittorrent files over at supernova - use this
site http://www.torrentlinks.com/ to navigate there.
This site is also pretty good http://mac.torrentskickass.com/index.html but
you need to register (free) to access the goodies.

"Never give a gun to ducks"