"Haluk Skywalker" <yokoolebiri@spam.net> wrote in message
> "Ryan Ginstrom" <ginstrom@hotmail.com>, haber iletisinde ?unlar?
> yazd?:bpketd$1lbgmm$1@ID-101276.news.uni-berlin.de...
> > ...
> > // haluk, you're going to need to do better than this to make it into
> > secret
> > // fjlij circle of jerks
> >    4 yokoolebiri@spam....            (Haluk Skywalker)
> >
> >
> Haven't seen my girl friend four times last month. Compared to that 4
> postings is quite good for me.
> What are the previliges of secret circle?

If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret. Suffice it to say, you won't need to
see your girlfriend on those days.

Ryan Ginstrom