On Sun, 09 Nov 2003 18:52:12 +0900, Michael Cash  ...
>On 9 Nov 2003 00:55:47 -0800, Brett Robson <jet_boy@deja.com> belched
>the alphabet and kept on going with:
>>On Sat, 08 Nov 2003 23:25:58 +0900, Michael Cash  ...
>>>On 7 Nov 2003 23:20:14 -0800, Brett Robson <jet_boy@deja.com> belched
>>>the alphabet and kept on going with:
>>>>On Sat, 08 Nov 2003 02:16:22 +0900, Eric Takabayashi  ...
>>>>>Brett Robson wrote:
>>>>>> On Fri, 07 Nov 2003 22:56:18 +0900, Eric Takabayashi  ...
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >The issue with minke whales is the safety of the meat itself.
>>>>>>Exactly how far from Japan is the Antaratic? It's my understanding they hunt on
>>>>>>the other side, tbelow Sth America. You can't get anyfurther away from Japan.
>>>>>> Those whales are not Japan's, Japan has no right to them. Regardless of
>>>>>> arguments for and against whaling Japan should respect the IWC decisions.
>>>>>Perhaps you are being sarcastic.
>>>>No, I am deadly serious. Japan has no rights to those animals.
>>>Then who does?
>If everyone does, then what's the problem with Japan taking them?

Because the international community continually tells them not to. Japan's
insistence on whaling makes Japan look stupid. All the good work Japan does
internationally is wasted by a bunch of ojisans who attempt to defend something
which most of the world regards as barbariac, on the grounds of culture.

>>Everyone. Yes that does sound like communism.
>Or that the whales are being taken in international waters.

Which is why international bodies control international resources.


"No country hides itself behind the paper screen of cultural elitism like Japan,
which, considering they've bought their entire civilisation from other people's
hand-me-downs, is a bit of a liberty."