"Bryan Parker" <puntspeedchunk@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> "Ryan Ginstrom" <ginstrom@hotmail.com> said:
> >
> >"Bryan Parker" <puntspeedchunk@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> >news:kp62qv4081ph0ouiguntulk613m2rjlb2p@4ax.com...
> >> Are those of us that have never been homesick
> >> allowed to vote?
> >
> >In your case, no. You are only allowed to get points for not being
> >if you come from someplace that doesn't suck.
> What if I knew for a fact that less than a dozen
> of my Okie ancestors were intermarried?

Oh, so you guys are recent immigrants to the state?

Ryan Ginstrom