On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 17:48:09 +0900, Michael  ...
>On 30 Jul 2003 22:44:14 -0700, Brett Robson <jet_boy@deja.com> belched
>the alphabet and kept on going with:
>>On 30 Jul 2003 19:14:42 -0700, worthj1970@yahoo.com  ...
>>>anatanoaho931@yahoo.co.jp (anatanoaho931) wrote in message
>>>> Need to meet people
>>>When I lived in Kobe I met quite a few friends at the pool, the gym,
>>>and the climbing gym. But basically I lived a lonely existence and
>>>read tons and tons of books and rode my bike miles and miles.
>>>Sadly, I've not gone far in my life since then, 
>>No doubt that is the fault of the minimum wage but I'm sure Gowan could give you
>>some good advice.
>>"Wherever you go, you carry a message of hope - a message that is ancient and
>>ever new. In the words of the prophet Isaiah, 'To the captives, come out, and to
>>those in darkness, be free."' President Bush II exhorting his soldiers on their
>So I take it you think freeing the Iraqi people from the Hussein
>regime was a bad thing?

Time will tell. But I'm not confident.

Once the 3rd Infantry manages to extradite itself from Iraq is it going to free
the other oppressed people of the world? Or is the budget $US 100 Billion and
one country a year? Syria has a nasty regime and borders Iraq and the Med. The
transports could sit off the coast and wait for the 3rd to drive through.  It's
close to the air bases in old Europe and there would be a lot of incentive for
the soldiers, there's nice beaches and, personally I like the food from that

> Or are you just anti-Bush no matter what?

No. I was very impressed with Bush post WTC attack when he went out of his way
to make concillatory gestures to the Islamic community, purely symbolic but
highly appropriate. Of course our Prime Minister was unable to bring himself to
do the same thing, in fact dismissing the idea as ridiculous.

On the other hand I have no respect for someone who hid in the National Guard
during a war. I have far more respect for a conscentious objector who refused
the draft and was willing to suffer the consequences of the action. (Imagine
living in Canadia for the rest of your life)

A civilian Commander in Chief who quotes "the prophet Isaiah" to his troops and
says "God Bless you all" is no different to a Mullah who seeks religious war.

"Wherever you go, you carry a message of hope - a message that is ancient and
ever new. In the words of the prophet Isaiah, 'To the captives, come out, and to
those in darkness, be free."' President Bush II exhorting his soldiers on their
"light the darkness of the entire world" Kita Ikki