On Thu 31 Jul 2003 05:08:08p, "Michael Higgins" <mhiggin6@tampabay.rr.com>
wrote in news:YyfWa.5812$K4.240570@twister.tampabay.rr.com: 

> "a cite for this?"
> Why do I need a "cite for this?" Is there some reason why a straight
> forward and moderate point of view has to be backed up by an anointed
> expert? I have spent a lifetime in political action. Should I need to
> "cite" Garry Wills to back up my observations?
> Who died and left him God? Or anyone else, for that matter.
> Did you read my post? What about it do you find unreasonable?
> You, I mean. Not some hyped up academic drone, or network whore. Or do
> you need someone else to identify facts and truth?
> Cites. We don' need no stinkin' cites.

Sure ya do. You claim that corporations largely ignore laws and
regulations. Can you back that up?