In article <WWNTa.4886$>, says...
>In rec.arts.anime.misc Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppvegeta@hotmail.communism> 
>> I've seen Chii body pillows on the web, but never any featuring Rei (I
>> have looked). IIRC they worked out at about $400, so I guess that an
>> Ayanami version would be a roughly similar price.
>> Whether you would want to spend $400 on what basically amounts to a
>> masturbation aid is an entirely different matter. 
>How about this, get you favorite Rei Ayanami poster, and post it on your
>ceiling above your bed. Then get a nice and warm body pillow. Everynight,
>when you go to bed, look at the poster and imagine the body pillow is 
>Rei. In the morning, you will awake to Rei's beauty. What a nice way to 
>start your day, and save $400. But if you want to go hardcore, you can get 
>an inflatable doll, and then dress it up with a Rei Ayanami halloween 
>costume. Now you can play with Rei, do whatever you want with her, and 
>she won't complain one bit.

Naw, THAT'S not hardcore!  Hardcore is contacting the RealDoll
people and having them make up a customized head (I'm SURE they've
never gotten a request for blue hair and red eyes before; it will 
be a nice change for them), stick it on the appropriate style body,
aqnd send it to you!  THAT'S hardcore.  

And also probably a $10,000 bill...

EXTREME hard core is, you then try to activate it...

(Imagine of a Dr. Frankenstein type laboratory, a Rei otaku
dancing around a Rei RealDoll on a slab as electricity
snaps and crackles all around, tubes glow white hot, and
dials are flickering into the red.  And as the otaku grabs
the master switch and slams it shut, we hear the jingle...

"G.E.!  It brings good things to life!")
