John W. wrote:
> "Kevin Gowen" <> wrote in message
> news:<bevp52$9dms1$>...
>> John W. wrote:
>>> "Kevin Gowen" <> wrote in message
>>> news:<bev9ct$9icrg$>...
>>>> John W. wrote:
>>>>> "Kevin Gowen" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:<beqbpj$7u1i9$>...
>>>>>> John W. wrote:
>>>>>>> "Kevin Gowen" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:<ben9js$711lm$>...
>>>>>>>> Jason Cormier wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 7/11/03 12:40, in article,
>>>>>>>>> "Greg
>>>>>>>>> Macdonald" <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I don't know about him, but I do. Stating that only time
>>>>>>>>>> spent
>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>> front of a student should count as 'work' is as dumb as
>>>>>>>>>> saying
>>>>>>>>>> firefighters are only working when they are actually fighting
>>>>>>>>>> fires.
>>>>>>>>> ...or that a lawyer is only working when he/she is in court.
>>>>>>>> That's why they tend to have billable hours. You know, that
>>>>>>>> linking
>>>>>>>> of pay
>>>>>>>> to productivity that teacher unions make quite sure never comes
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> be.
>>>>>>> How many people do you know that have billable hours? I've never
>>>>>>> had
>>>>>>> them, and none of my coworkers did either.
>>>>>> I did not realize that you and your coworkers were lawyers.
>>>>> Ah. I figured that since you indicated teachers should have
>>>>> billable
>>>>> hours
>>>> I indicated nothing of the kind.
>>> Please explain exactly what you meant when you said the following
>>> because my poor public school education has obviously let me down:
>>> "That's why [lawyers] tend to have billable hours. You know, that
>>> linking of pay to productivity that teacher unions make quite sure
>>> never comes to be."
>> I thought that the meaning would be obvious even to someone who
>> received
>> their primary and secondary education in a government school.
>> However, it
>> seems that I must repeat myself:
>> Lawyers tend to have billable hours. Teachers unions are consistently
>> against the linking of pay to productivity. I never indicated what
>> form this
>> linking should take.
> Obviously your arrogance is blinding you again, this time to your own
> sentence. Perhaps you should review some basic English. Or do you need
> to be walked through why you're wrong?

By all means, enlighten me with all of the knowledge of the English language
that government schools have bestowed upon you, user of the word "hisself".
I don't imagine I'll need to pack a sandwich.

Kevin Gowen
"Their idea of equal rights is the American flag and Confederate
swastika flying side by side."
- Julian Bond, chairman of the nonpartisan NAACP, on the GOP