Richard Thieme wrote:
> Kevin Gowen <> wrote in message
> news:bevmmh$9evf7$
>> Curt Fischer wrote:
>>> Curt Fischer wrote:
> (snip)
>>> She stuck by her man.  It's so sweet it almost kills you.
>> Hillary must have been her inspiration.
> I have frequently thought that the radical right hates Hillary for
> the same reason that the radical left hates Phyllis Schlafly.

Since the radical left and radical right are both composed of more than one
person, I suppose they each have more than one reason. I am pretty sure both
Clinton and Schlafly are hated by those outside the radical right and left,

> For all of Hillary's left wing liberalism she is more of a traditional
> housewife and mother than any of them could be (sticking with her
> husband and making something out of the bum. Even going to work when
> it was necessary for the family).

I'm not sure how much of a housewife she could have been, having lived 12
years in the Arkansas governor's mansion and 8 years in the White House. I'm
pretty sure those mansions have staff to take care of the housewife-y stuff
like dusting and preparing meals. I am afraid that I am unaware that she
ever had to work for the family out of necessity. My view of their marriage
is that it is very much a political alliance, not that there's anything
wrong with that. They're both very shrewd people.

I have no opinion about what class of mother she may or may not be.

> While Phyllis Schlafly is smarter, more articulate and a more
> successful career woman than anyone at NOW ever could be.

Yes, she is quite brilliant. She is simply on the wrong side as far as NOW
et al. are concerned. Even if Clarence Thomas did everything that Anita Hill
claimed, that behavior was a kiss on the cheek compared to that of Bill
Clinton and Bob Packwood, both of whom got a free pass from NOW.

If Condi Rice were ever to become a viable presidential candidate, NOW and
the NAACP wouldn't know whether to shit or go blind.

Kevin Gowen
"Their idea of equal rights is the American flag and Confederate
swastika flying side by side."
- Julian Bond, chairman of the nonpartisan NAACP, on the GOP