On 7/7/2003 9:21 PM, Declan Murphy wrote:

> Scott Reynolds wrote:

>> Well, if having a subway on the scale of Los Angeles is enough to 
>> qualify, Chicago has a "mass-transit subway system" because part of 
>> the el is actually chikatetsu. And Washington DC has a wonderful 
>> subway system -- clean, efficient, extensive. But the area where most 
>> fall short is the "comparable to those in Japan or with London, Paris 
>> etc." To put it in terms an American could understand: Is the 
>> mass-transit system good enough that someone who can afford a car 
>> would seriously consider doing without one? On this measure, very few 
>> American cities would score very high, I wager.
> Yeah thats pretty much what I meant by "comparable to those..." NYC? and ?

The subway in Washington DC is very nice indeed. And you can make do 
with the el and buses in a city like Chicago. I wonder what the 
situation is like in Boston....

Scott Reynolds                                      sar@gol.com