On Mon, 07 Jul 2003 04:23:29 GMT, cjundieseastwd@powerup.com.au  ...
>In article <u0fggvsj7jvi28934q93qjtag66023ipfd@4ax.com>, Michael Cash 
><mikecash@sunfield.ne.jp> wrote:
>>On Sun, 6 Jul 2003 23:00:38 +0900, "John Yamamoto-Wilson"
>><john@rarebooksinjapan.com> belched the alphabet and kept on going
>>>Americans are indeed rude, racists and kinpatsu! 
>>There ain't no way that I'm ever gonna love you. But don't be sad.
>meat loaf!
>2 out of 3 ain't bad

but 1 of of 2^1024 is a real bitch.

"he [John Ashcroft] deliberately left Jesus out of office prayers to avoid
offending non-Christians."   - Ben Shapiro 27/2/2003