On Mon, 07 Jul 2003 10:30:21 +0900, Declan  ...
>On the contrary, in countries without a comprehensive welfare safety
>net, it is considered rational behaviour for poor people (particularly
>in rural areas with poorer services, and anywhere there is a high infant
>mortality rate) to have as many children as possible. The children are
>useful for planting and harvesting crops, and as they don't need to go
>to school (elementary education is not compulsory in India, and not
>free, and not encouraged for certain caste) are not considered expensive
>to raise.

Don't be stupid, once you include the cost of their school uniforms, school
trips, medical insurance, toys, CDs and DVDs, trips to the movies and starbucks,
and PS2, they cost a lot more than they can pay back. No wonder they are poor.

"he [John Ashcroft] deliberately left Jesus out of office prayers to avoid
offending non-Christians."   - Ben Shapiro 27/2/2003