On Sun, 6 Jul 2003 17:07:45 -0400, "Kevin  ...
>The thing is, what you say with irony, I believe with conviction. This is
>why I have little sympathy for people who whine about trying to rear
>children while working for minimum wage. If you are so unskilled as to not
>be able to earn a decent wage, you have no business having children.

Who would pick cotton and wash your car if there were no poor people?

We need to stop poor genes being passed on. May one day the poor gene will be
identified but until then we might need to use profiling, Catholics have lower
average incomes and bigger families than Protestants.

What is /your/ solution, compulsory sterlization for stupid people or poor
people? (Careful what you answer that might stop the Bush Dynasty). What about
intelligent poor people, shouldn't they pass on their genes.

>It's a mystery as to why India, the place of burning brides, has such a high
>birth rate. I am pretty sure they don't dole out painkillers left and right.

I guess we can't blame Catholism on that one.

"he [John Ashcroft] deliberately left Jesus out of office prayers to avoid
offending non-Christians."   - Ben Shapiro 27/2/2003