Ryan Ginstrom <ginstrom@hotmail.com> wrote:

> "John W." <worthj1970@yahoo.com> wrote in message

>> This stuff was hard core programming stuff. It was one of those things
>> where I thought it'd be no big problem because I'm familiar with the
>> topic. Obviously I'm not because it was hella hard.

> Heh, that's exactly the kind of stuff that I like the most. I remember being
> pretty dismayed when I first started reading Japanese computer docs though.
> I thought that since I already knew programming and read Japanese fairly
> well, it would be a breeze.

Reminds me of when I lived there; I ended up getting a project to update
a company's application, which was written in FORTRAN. I didn't know much
about FORTRAN, but I *knew* it didn't have recursion... except this version
did, according to the Japanese documentation, if I was reading it right 
(the old Apollo-Domain FORTRAN 88 compiler.) Always fun trying to figure
out whether you don't understand Japanese, or didn't understand the
computer language (though, of course, that's not necessarily an "or" 
statement :-))
