"Hwhite2472" <hwhite2472@aol.com> wrote in message
> Me, Zeruel333, came back to this newsgroup after so long and what do I see
> I return?
> half a dozen of "Does Misato have a tighter vagina than Ritsuko? "
> a few "Re: Which Evangelion female has the juciest vagina?"
> almost a dozen of "Re: Does Rei have a tighter vagina than Asuka?"
> and more ignorant perverted childish posts
> Yes, I am 'The Hentai One' but even I am not THAT perverted!! This shit is
> uncalled for!!
> Take that perverted crap back to the dragonball newsgroup!! Sheesh!

nice :)=
well at least you tried to talk them out of it...
to bad you didn't have any success....
p.s. i also tried but....naaa they wouldn't listen tu reason... -.-
2-p.s. i'm not a hentai freek for evangelion but everything else comes in
cosideration :)=

...and the night came...