Pantheras wrote:
> Please trim your headers. This threat is certainly of little interest
> to alt.history.
> John Yamamoto-Wilson wrote:
>> Kaz:
>>> Why does having Japanese wife explain that you are not a racist?
>>> Isn't 
>>> it a strange logic? As far as I know, a lot of racists have Japanese
>>> wife though.
>> Sad to say, I suppose you are right. But they can't love their
>> wives, can they (except
>> perhaps in the same way some people love their pets)? I am not
>> married to an acronym ( a "BYJW"), but to a fully-fledged human
>> being and (jeez, this is embarassing - if I'd known what I was
>> letting myself in for getting into this thread maybe I wouldn't have
>> started!) yes, I do love her. 
>>> Your cultural back ground....primitive ethnocentric racists in the
>>> 18th century who treat anyone inhabiting outside of your little
>>> island 
>>> as subhuman.
>> Permit me to know a little more about my cultural background than
>> you do. My great great great grandfather was a coal miner (back in
>> the late 18th or early 19th century). At six o'clock in the morning
>> he had to go under the ground and enter narrow passages to chip out
>> coal in choking, inhuman conditions. He would make lunch of a bit of
>> bread and cheese and an apple. At six in the evening he would be
>> free to go home, have a bath and some supper and go to bed. He did
>> this six days a week except at Christmas, Easter and one or two
>> other special occasions. Oh, I forgot to mention, he was nine years
>> old when he started. 
>> That was on my father's side. His family was forced out of Scotland
>> during the enclosures of the 18th century and found work in the
>> Newcastle area. I owe my great great great grandfather a special
>> debt of gratitude because if I had had to do what he did I would
>> surely have died long before reaching childbeaqring age, and then I
>> wouldn't be here now (if you see what I mean). My mother's family
>> was Irish. Catholic Irish. If you know your history you will know
>> that during the 18th century the Catholic Irish were denied the
>> right to an education, to own property, even to eat properly. 
>> And that, too, is a lot more than I planned on divulging about
>> myself when I let myself get drawn into this thread!
>> As Bob Marley (one of those "colored" whom, according to you, I
>> regard as subhuman) said, "If you know your history, you will know
>> where you're coming from" (I will never forget going to Hammersmith
>> Odeon to see him and the Wailers perform), and if you can explain
>> why I would feel congenitally superior because of my ancestry, you
>> explain it to me. 
>>> Maybe the last land in the globe that treat coloreds as
>>> animals or subhumans.
>> I only wish you were right. However, if you care to check the
>> records for casualties among the prisoners of war treated as slaves
>> by the Japanese during World War II you will find a disproportionate
>> number of what you call "coloreds". Try here for starters:
>> Even
>> sadder is the fact that the entire population of present-day Burma
>> (a land that Japan, in collusion with the criminals who run that
>> country, calls "Myanmar") is *even now* being treated as "animals or
>> subhumans" by the military government which controls the country.
>>> According to your logic defining that racists are subhuman, I think
>>> whites are generally more subhuman than any other race, and the most
>>> race that keeps the subhuman behavior stubbornly. So what is so
>>> awesome about the fact that whites having subhuman behavior? Did it
>>> come from the racist's self-conscious superiority complex existing
>>> in 
>>> the deep realm of your subconscious?
>> Yawn. Try again, Kaz. Psychoanalysis doesn't appear to be your
>> strong point. You accuse me of taking a white supremacist viewpoint,
>> then when I point out that such a viewpoint is equally subhuman you
>> attack me. My own racial group has nothing to do with this. Whether
>> it's you and Supertech, an Ulster loyalist and a Catholic, a Futu
>> and a Tutsi or a Serb and a Croat it's all the same to me; or didn't
>> you understand me the first time around? 
>>> Once Supertech showed his extreme racial contempt against us, it
>>> takes 
>>> a while to comeback to normal mode.
>> I suppose that's the closest we'll come to agreement. You accept
>> that your language wasn't "normal mode" (though from what I've seen
>> of your posts it's not all that aatypical). To me your language was
>> identical to his - the subhuman barking of a man turned feral.
>>> Supertech is not the only one who
>>> has such a strong hatred against us. Most Koreans are having such
>>> extreme, aggressive contempt and hostile feelings against us more
>>> than those anti-jap kinda people like Dutch, New Zealanders or
>>> Chinese. And 
>>> then Koreans point nuclear missile to us and threaten us. (Except
>>> those Silla Koreans, basically and racially N.Koreans and S.Koreans
>> OK, so you feel threatened and angry at being the object of such
>> hatred. But when you return the same kind of hatred the other party
>> also feels threatened and angry, and so it goes on until it comes to
>> blows. Insults are a bad form of communication. Returning the
>> insults is equally bad communication.
>>> Those extreme words are just very good to express one's emotional
>>> attitudes. I believe that humans need to be more honest and natural.
>> Oh, OK. I agree that humans should be honest and natural.
>> It seems we don't really have a problem here. You have a right, if
>> you choose, to use the nastiest insults you can think of, and I have
>> the right, if I choose, to comment that such insults are subhuman
>> drivel. If it's any comfort, I have on occasion stooped to insult,
>> and I have, on reflection, realised - a\nd admitted - that my words
>> were unworthy. 
>>> <the rest snipped>
>> Thank goodness! I have a life to live, a job to do and a family to
>> love; I don't have time to continue this conversation indefinitely!
>> --
>> John

Don't top-post, monkey.

Kevin Gowen